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刘仁博士网英文网 www.liurenwords.com   2012-09-17 10:44:31 作者:SystemMaster 来源: 文字大小:[][][]





SEAL Team 6 members among 38 killed in Afghanistan


Los Angels TimesThe Navy SEALs were among 30 Americans, seven Afghans and an interpreter killed in the deadliest incident for U.S. forces in the Afghanistan war when their helicopter is shot down. Their name conjures up the most celebrated moment of America's post-Sept. 11 military campaigns. Now the Navy SEALs belong to a grimmer chapter in history: the most deadly incident for U.S. forces in the 10-year Afghanistan war. 


Three months after they killed Al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden in neighboring Pakistan and cemented their place in military legend, the SEALs suffered a devastating loss when nearly two dozen of the elite troops were among 30 Americans who died when their helicopter was shot down in Afghanistan early Saturday.  


It was the largest number of American troops killed in a single day in the war. U.S. officials said the helicopter appeared to have been felled by enemy fire, and the Taliban quickly claimed responsibility. Seven Afghan commandos and a civilian interpreter also were killed, Afghan President Hamid Karzai said. 


No member of the Bin Laden raid team was among the dead, said a Pentagon official briefed on the casualties who was not authorized to speak publicly while families still were being notified. But he said 22 of the 30 were Navy SEALs, and a significant number were members of SEAL Team 6, the unit that conducted the Bin Laden raid and is made up of just a few hundred of some of the best-trained fighters in the U.S. military. 


词汇天下1. Interpreter (翻译者)=inter(=enter: 进入) +pret(=pray=prex: 祈祷 )+er(十大后缀之一:名词后缀,表示人或物);incident (事件)=in(=im: 26大前缀之一:在里面) +cid (=sid=sit: 坐,下 )+ent(十大后缀之一:形容词和名词后缀); devastate(毁坏)=de(=down; 26大前缀之一) +vast(巨大,辽阔)+ate(十大后缀之一:动词、名词和形容词后缀); elite (精英)=e(=ex=out; 26大前缀之一) +lit(=let=lect: 选择 )+e(四分之一的英语单词为字母e结果); civilian (平民,民间的)=civ(=city: 城市) +il(第三座桥梁)+i(第三座桥梁)+an(20小后缀之一:形容词和名词后缀)。

1. interpretress            女翻译

2. international            国际的

3. interaction             相互作用

4. interchange            相互交换

5. interdisciplinary         跨学科的

6. traffic accident          交通事故

7. without incident         平安无事

8. incident radiation        射入辐射线

9. vastness                巨大

10. vastitude              广度

11. social elites            社会精英

12. civil war              内战

13. civil society           公民社会

14. civilization            文明

15. industrial civilization    工业文明

16. ecological civilization   生态文明

词汇天下2. Helicopter (直升机)=helic(=helix: 蜗牛,螺旋) +o(第二座桥梁)+pter(=wing: 翅膀);celebrate(庆贺)=cel(走) +ebr(罕见第三座桥梁)+ate(十大后缀之一:动词、名词和形容词后缀); legend(传说)=leg(=lect: 说) +end(=ent: 十大后缀之一:形容词和名词后缀);responsibility (责任)=re(=back; 26大前缀之一) +spons(=spond=spend=pay: 花费,支付)+ibility(=ability; 十大后缀之一:名词后缀)。

1. helix                  蜗牛,螺旋,螺旋线

2. dinosaur               恐龙

3. archosaur              祖龙

4. carnosaur              食肉龙

5. stegosaur              剑龙

6. pterosaur              翼龙

7. seacopter              水陆两用直升机

8. accelerate              加速

9. deceleration            减速

10. economic acceleration   经济加速发展

11. excellent              优秀的

12. urban legend           都市传奇

13. military legend         军事神话

14. response              回答,相应

15. sponsor               赞助,发起人

16. expenditure            支出,花费 

词汇天下3. Conjure (施魔法,召唤)=con(=com: 共同,一起;26大前缀之一) +jure(=jur=swear: 发誓 ); commando (突击队:荷兰语)=com(=con: 共同,一起;26大前缀之一) +mand (=man: 托付,委托 )+o(荷兰语词尾); conduct (指挥)=con(=com: 共同,一起;26大前缀之一) +duct (=duc: 引,导);suffer(遭受)=suf(=su+双写: 在下面;26大前缀之一) +fer(拿)); appear (出现)=ap(=a+双写=to; 26大前缀之一) +pear(=par: 平,行)。




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